Announcement: Changes in School Cell Phone Policy

The Board of Education has approved a policy change for cell phone usage. This was not done lightly and is for the safety of our students. We have had repeated incidents of students going around our filtering and using their phones when they are not permitted during class times. While we can enforce consequences when this happens, we want to prevent it from happening. We have taken a few more precautions to limit access to the internet for all students. All wireless devices will only be able to access approved sites. Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram will be blocked. Cell phones will not be permitted throughout the day, from 7:15 a.m. untill the end of school. All cell phones will need to remain in their backpacks. If it is seen or heard, it will be taken to the office and the student may pick it up after school the first time. The second time will require a parent to pick up. Yes, we know it is inconvenient, but we hope you will support us. We are in school to learn and phones are inhibiting this. If you need to reach your student for an emergency, please contact the office at 417-938-4212. If a student needs to reach you, they may use the office phone to call in between classes. This is not new, as of 19-20 it was reported that 76% of schools restricted cell phone use. This number is still growing as Willow Springs has joined the ranks this year too.

Related Article: "Cellphone Bans Can Ease Students’ Stress and Anxiety, Educators Say"



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