
The Couch Yearbook staff went on their final ad sales trip yesterday to Thayer and Mammoth Spring. It was a hot day but they powered through stepping out of their comfort zone and using their professional and communication skills in a real world setting.

We followed tradition from last year getting pizza from Casey's and playing at the park for lunch. One of the girls said, "I feel like we are little kids on a field trip again!" I love that we are able to take 30 minutes to allow them to play and recharge as a reward for their hard work,this will now be a yearly tradition!

Today they started to call back businesses that we left information with and those that were closed, so they are continuing to develop those professional skills they are going to need after graduation. I am so proud of them for all the work they are putting in and the pride they are taking in making sure they do a good job!

To purchase an ad you can email their Advisor, Lisa Crowder at lcrowder@couchk12.com, or call the office and leave your contact information for a staff member to call and take your order.



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